What is the role of the Monitors?

The Monitors are a neutral third-party appointed by the court to oversee and assess KCSO and the County’s progress in implementing, and achieving compliance with, the Stipulated Judgment. They report the status of implementation to the Parties and the Court and work with the Parties to address any barriers to compliance, as well as assist the Parties to informally resolve disputes or differences should they emerge. The Monitors shall not, and are not intended to, replace or assume the role and duties of the Sheriff or of the DOJ.

How can I contact the Monitors with a question or concern?

Inquiries and concerns can be sent to the monitors from the Contact the Monitors page.

How do I make an inquiry or send a question to the Sheriff’s Office?

Inquiries and questions can be sent to the Kern County Sheriff’s Office here.

How do I share a comment or complaint about the Sheriff’s Office?

Comments and complaints regarding the Sheriff’s Office need to be submitted directly to KCSO on a Complaint Form.

This can be done in person at a station, at various community locations such as public libraries, or online.

For more information, click on the following links:

Internal Affairs | KCSO (kernsheriff.org)


Online personnel complaint form in English

Online personnel complaint form in Spanish

Process on How to Submit a Complaint

What is the Communitywide Advisory Council (CAC) and how can I learn more about it?

The KCSO Communitywide Advisory Council (CAC) was established as part of the stipulated judgment. The CAC is a diverse group of Kern County residents advocating for positive change in relations, policies, and laws to create a safer community. CAC meetings are open to the public (see the News & Events page) via Zoom, and focus on the eight key areas of reforms and objectives to be met by KCSO, as identified in the stipulated judgment. To learn more about the CAC, visit https://kerncac.org.

How do I submit a complaint against the County of Kern?

How do I submit a complaint against the County of Kern?

How do I submit a complaint against the County of Kern?